January 19, 2015

Harry Potter Wand!!

This semester for independent study I'm trying to stick to a more structured curriculum.. last semester was nice and I still learned a lot but only restricting myself to the fragment shader of the graphics pipeline meant I avoided a lot of the dirty work, which unfortunately is very necessary in the real world.  When my friend, taking rendering last semester, came to me for help, I was surprised at how unhelpful I was about seemingly simple concepts.  So this semester I'll be following Stanford's CS 148 curriculum closely instead.

So I've pretty much finished their Lab 1, which was doing some 2D graphics with OpenGL.  I've recently been on a Harry Potter kick lately so I decided to implement a wand that lets you cast four spells (lumos, aguamenti, baubillious, bombarda) with user input into the console window.

I still haven't managed to get a good gif software so I'm just posting screenshots for now, even though the animated spells in my program look better, I swear!

Aguamenti shoots out water (I figured a bunch of blue specks would be somewhat accurate).  Baubillious makes a lightning bolt, bombarda produces small explosions, and we all know that lumos provides light.  The animated lumos spell looks better, here it just looks dumb but the circles pulsate and it's actually pretty relaxing to watch.

Hey Stanford, did I get an A on this?