Discovered this really cool website where you can play around with OpenGL shaders.
Here's my first shader effect! Really quite boring compared to some of the examples on there but I like it.
It just fades in and out of colors. When it comes to graphics it's actually really useful knowing a bit of trig.. I never really saw the use before, but I've used sin and cos to achieve a parabolic effect when simulating a gentle up and down motion, and I've also used them to keep values within the range of 0 and 1. This sounds really basic to someone experienced with trig/graphics but to someone who never really appreciated its use before, it's really handy to know when coding up simple graphics algorithms.
Whoa dang look at this one! I feel like I'm traveling through someone's arteries. I can't believe they made that starting with the same base I did.
Or this one. Feel like I'm traveling through space at light speed.
Or this one - it's like I'm cruising through a velvet desert on the sun on a hovercraft.
Oh goodness I love this one too. It's like an invisible volcano is shooting up fairy dust. How did they get the stars to appear?
// Edit March/18/2014
I liked the last one so much I made my own version. All I did was change the parameters a bit and made the specks a bit fuzzier. If I randomized them so most of them were blurry but some of them were sharpened, it'd look pretty cool. Or have different shapes generated.